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+++ Running case: MATLAB-244 +++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-Dakota/nightlylog | boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero | no smb.mass_balance specified: values set as zero | no basalforcings.groundedice_melting_rate specified: values set as zero | no basalforcings.floatingice_melting_rate specified: values set as zero | no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero | Linear partitioner requesting partitions on elements | preprocessing dakota inputs | Opening Dakota input file '' | Writing environment section of Dakota input file | Writing method section of Dakota input file | Writing model section of Dakota input file | Writing variables section of Dakota input file | Writing 16 normal_uncertain variables. | Writing 16 uniform_uncertain variables. | Writing interface section of Dakota input file | Writing responses section of Dakota input file | Writing 3 response_functions responses. | End of file successfully written | uploading input file and queuing script | launching solution sequence on remote cluster | Preparing directory structure for model outputs: | responses: 3: 6.15021e+14|5.59669e+17|4.18578e+07 | responses: 3: 6.15039e+14|5.59686e+17|4.19564e+07 | responses: 3: 6.15064e+14|5.59708e+17|4.23458e+07 | write lock file: | FemModel initialization elapsed time: 0.0733462 | Total Core solution elapsed time: 154.113 | Linear solver elapsed time: 0 (0%) | Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 2 min 34 sec | Dakota method = 'nond_sampling' | Dakota function evaluations = 3 | Dakota samples = 3 | Reading moment-based statistics for response functions: | IceVolume | IceMass | TotalSmb | Number of Dakota response functions = 3 | Reading 95% confidence intervals for response functions: | Number of Dakota response functions = 3 | Reading CDF's for response functions: | Number of Dakota response functions = 3 | Reading PDF's for response functions: | Number of Dakota response functions = 3 | Dakota iterator 'random_sampling' completed | End of file successfully reached | Reading Dakota tabular output file | Number of columns (Dakota V + R) = 35 | Number of rows (Dakota func evals) = 3 | ERROR difference: 1.9e-06 > 4e-09 test id: 244 test name: SquareShelfSMBGembDakota field: moments +++ exit code: 0