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+++ Running case: MATLAB-2021 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-Solid_Earth/nightlylog
| Computing Greens functions...
| 500 of 1286 vertices done!
| 1000 of 1286 vertices done!
| gmtmask: num vertices 2568
| gmtmask: done
| Solving sesaw-slc for Rigid Earth WITHOUT rotational feedback...
|      iteration # 1 :: difference in norm = 0.011137
|      iteration # 2 :: difference in norm = 0.00011489
|      iteration # 3 :: difference in norm = 3.4553e-06
|      solution conv
...[truncated 1167 chars]...
| SUCCESS difference: 3.6e-16 <   1e-13 test id: 2021 test name: SESAWslc field: eus_elast_rot
| SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 2021 test name: SESAWslc field: rsl_rigid
| SUCCESS difference: 3.4e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 2021 test name: SESAWslc field: rsl_rigid_rot
| SUCCESS difference: 1e-14   <   1e-13 test id: 2021 test name: SESAWslc field: rsl_elast
| SUCCESS difference: 1e-14   <   1e-13 test id: 2021 test name: SESAWslc field: rsl_elast_rot
+++ exit code: 0