Standard Output
+++ Running case: PYTHON-413 +++ working dir: /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Intel-Dakota/nightlylog | ----------------running----------------------- | boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero | no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero | Chacox -- Applying weights for 44 vertices. | Chacox -- Calling Chaco interface: | Chacox -- Chaco interface returning flag=0. | preprocessing dakota inputs | Opening Dakota input file 'test413.qmu. ...[truncated 1803 chars]... FAQ page for debugging suggestions | Dakota method = 'nond_local_reliability' | Dakota function evaluations = 22 | Reading MV statistics for response functions: | MaxVel | Cumulative Distribution Function not available | Number of Dakota response functions = 1 | Dakota iterator 'local_reliability' completed | End of file successfully reached | SUCCESS difference: 4.1e-11 < 1e-10 test id: 413 test name: quareSheetShelfDiadSSA3dDakotaPart field: importancefactors +++ exit code: 0