ISSM Test Suite.Example-Greenland FAILURE
Standard Output
+++ Running case: Example-Greenland +++ working dir: /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Examples/nightlylog | < M A T L A B (R) > | Copyright 1984-2023 The MathWorks, Inc. | R2023b Update 6 ( 64-bit (maca64) | December 28, 2023 | | To get started, type doc. | For product information, visit | | ISSM development path correctly loaded | Step 1: Mesh creatio ...[truncated 1483546 chars]... ging solution vector from fset to gset | Updating inputs from solution for MasstransportAnalysis | updating vertices positions | computing transient requested outputs | saving temporary results | write lock file: | FemModel initialization elapsed time: 0.033157 | Total Core solution elapsed time: 105.324 | Linear solver elapsed time: 70.5707 (67%) | Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 1 min 45 sec | loading results from cluster | SUCCESS +++ exit code: 0