Failing for the past 2 builds
(Since Failed )
Error Message
Script Error
Standard Output
+++ Running case: MATLAB-2072 +++ working dir: /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Solid_Earth/nightlylog | Undefined function 'IssmConfig_matlab' for input arguments of type 'char'. | Error in IssmConfig (line 14) | value = IssmConfig_matlab(string); | Error in toolkits/setdefaultparameters (line 57) | if IssmConfig('_HAVE_PETSC_'), | Error in toolkits (line 27) | self=setdefaultparameters(self); | Error in model/setdefaultparameters (line 283) | md.toolkits = toolkits(); | Error in model (line 206) | md=setdefaultparameters(md,'earth'); | Error in test2072 (line 8) | md=model(); | Error in run (line 99) | evalin('caller', strcat(script, ';')); | Error in runme (line 156) | run(['test' num2str(id)]); | Error in matlab_run1 (line 3) | runme('benchmark','slc','exclude',[2004 2006 2012 2051 2052 2053 2085 2092 2110:2113 2424 2425],'output','nightly','rank',1,'numprocs',2);FAILURE difference: N/A test id: 2072 test name: ElasticLoveNumbers_HighlyLayeredEarth field: N/A +++ exit code: 0