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Failing for the past 5 builds (Since Failed#695 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

Script Error

Standard Output

+++ Running case: PYTHON-2002 
+++ working dir: /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Solid_Earth/nightlylog
| ----------------running-----------------------
| gmtmask: num vertices 1286
| gmtmask: done
| checking model consistency
| marshalling file 'test2002'.bin
| uploading input file and queuing script
| launching solution sequence on remote cluster

| Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
| (website: forum:

| [0] ??? Error using ==> ./classes/IoModel.cpp:3145
| [0] SetFilePointerToData error message: could not find data with name "md.mmemasstransport.ids" in binary file

| [1] ??? Error using ==> ./classes/IoModel.cpp:3145
| [1] SetFilePointerToData error message: could not find data with name "md.mmemasstransport.ids" in binary file

| [2] ??? Error using ==> ./classes/IoModel.cpp:3145
| [2] SetFilePointerToData error message: could not find data with name "md.mmemasstransport.ids" in binary file

| loading results from cluster
| ============================================================
|    Binary file test2002.outbin not found                                 
|    This typically happens when the run crashed.             
|    Please check for error messages above or in the outlog   
| ============================================================

| WARNING: test2002.outbin does not exist
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Solid_Earth/test/NightlyRun/", line 196, in runme
|     exec(compile(open('test{}.py'.format(id)).read(), 'test{}.py'.format(id), 'exec'), globals())
|   File "", line 123, in <module>
|     md = solve(md, 'Transient')
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Solid_Earth/src/m/solve/", line 164, in solve
|     md = loadresultsfromcluster(md)
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Solid_Earth/src/m/solve/", line 68, in loadresultsfromcluster
|     remove(md.private.runtimename + '.tar.gz')
| AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'private'

| FAILURE difference: N/A test id: 2002 test name: EarthSlc field: N/A
+++ exit code: 0