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+++ Running case: PYTHON-445 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-Dakota/nightlylog
| ----------------running-----------------------
|       boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
|       no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
| Chacox -- Applying weights for 44 vertices.

| Chacox -- Calling Chaco interface:

| Chacox -- Chaco interface returning flag=0.
| preprocessing dakota inputs
| Opening Dakota input file 'test445.qmu.
...[truncated 3386 chars]...
or response functions:
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 8
| Reading PDFs for response functions:
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 8
| Dakota iterator 'random_sampling' completed
| End of file successfully reached
| Reading Dakota tabular output file
| Number of columns (Dakota V + R) = 28
| Number of rows (Dakota func evals) = 20
| SUCCESS difference: 8.8e-11 <   2e-10 test id: 445 test name: quareSheetShelfSteaEnthalpyHO3dDakotaSampNeff field: montecarlo
+++ exit code: 0