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ISSM Test Suite.Example-PigSensitivity ERROR

Took 0 ms.

Standard Output

+++ Running case: Example-PigSensitivity 
+++ working dir: /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Intel-Examples/nightlylog

|                             < M A T L A B (R) >
|                   Copyright 1984-2023 The MathWorks, Inc.
|               R2023b Update 6 ( 64-bit (maci64)
|                              December 28, 2023

| To get started, type doc.
| For product information, visit

|   ISSM development path correctly loaded

| uploading input file
...[truncated 1538 chars]...
file and queuing script
| launching solution sequence on remote cluster

| Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
| (website: forum:

| call computational core:
| write lock file:

|    FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.060974
|    Total Core solution elapsed time:       9.31446
|    Linear solver elapsed time:             5.19481 (56%)

|    Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 9 sec
+++ exit code: 0