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Failing for the past 4 builds (Since Failed#724 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

Script Error

Standard Output

+++ Running case: PYTHON-440 
+++ working dir: /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Dakota/nightlylog
| ----------------running-----------------------
|       boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
|       no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
| preprocessing dakota inputs
| Opening Dakota input file ''
| Writing environment section of Dakota input file
| Writing method section of Dakota input file
| Writing model section of Dakota input file
| Writing variables section of Dakota input file
|   Writing 1 normal_uncertain variables.
| Writing interface section of Dakota input file
| Writing responses section of Dakota input file
|   Writing 26 response_function responses.
| End of file successfully written
| uploading input file and queuing script
| launching solution sequence on remote cluster
| Preparing directory structure for model outputs:
|    responses: 26: 903.75|877.5|326.25|378.75|583.806|873.69|569.375|352.5|641.121|422.5|828.893|463.002|607.208|778.333|800.473|851.579|772.646|642.708|738.229|410.833|305.833|440|819.167|924.167|340.833|469.167
|    responses: 26: 903.75|877.5|326.25|378.75|583.806|873.69|569.375|352.5|641.121|422.5|828.893|463.002|607.208|778.333|800.473|851.579|772.646|642.708|738.229|410.833|305.833|440|819.167|924.167|340.833|469.167
| write lock file:

|    FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.007048
|    Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.293455
|    Linear solver elapsed time:             0       (0%)

|    Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
| Dakota method = 'nond_local_reliability'
|   Dakota function evaluations = 2
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_1
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 1
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_2
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 2
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_3
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 3
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_4
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 4
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_5
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 5
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_6
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 6
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_7
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 7
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_8
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 8
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_9
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 9
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_10
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 10
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_11
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 11
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_12
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 12
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_13
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 13
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_14
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 14
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_15
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 15
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_16
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 16
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_17
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 17
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_18
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 18
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_19
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 19
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_20
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 20
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_21
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 21
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_22
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 22
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_23
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 23
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_24
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 24
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_25
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 25
| Reading MV statistics for response functions:
|   scaled_Thickness_26
|     Importance Factors not available
|     Cumulative Distribution Function not available
|   Number of Dakota response functions = 26
| Dakota iterator 'local_reliability' completed
| End of file successfully reached
| Reading Dakota tabular output file
| Number of columns (Dakota V + R) = 35
| Number of rows (Dakota func evals) = 0
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Dakota/test/NightlyRun/", line 196, in runme
|     exec(compile(open('test{}.py'.format(id)).read(), 'test{}.py'.format(id), 'exec'), globals())
|   File "", line 60, in <module>
|     md = solve(md, 'Stressbalance', 'overwrite', 'y')
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Dakota/src/m/solve/", line 164, in solve
|     md = loadresultsfromcluster(md)
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Dakota/src/m/solve/", line 61, in loadresultsfromcluster
|     md = loadresultsfromdisk(md, + '.outbin')
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Dakota/src/m/solve/", line 74, in loadresultsfromdisk
|     md = postqmu(md)
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Dakota/src/m/qmu/", line 45, in postqmu
|     [method, dresp_dat, _, _, _, _] = dakota_out_parse('dakota_tabular.dat')
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Dakota/src/m/qmu/", line 88, in dakota_out_parse
|     dresp = dak_tab_out(fidi, fline)
|   File "/Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Dakota/src/m/qmu/", line 236, in dak_tab_out
|     [dmean[0, i], dstddev[0, i], dmeanci[:, i], dstddevci[:, i]] = normfit_issm(data[:, i], 0.05)
| ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (2,1) into shape (2,)

| FAILURE difference: N/A test id: 440 test name: SquareSheetShelfDakotaScaledResponseLinearPart field: N/A
+++ exit code: 0