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ISSM Test Suite.Example-Greenland FAILURE

Failing for the past 1 build (Since Failed#723 )
Took 0 ms.

Error Message

Script Error

Standard Output

+++ Running case: Example-Greenland 
+++ working dir: /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Examples/nightlylog

|                             < M A T L A B (R) >
|                   Copyright 1984-2023 The MathWorks, Inc.
|               R2023b Update 6 ( 64-bit (maca64)
|                              December 28, 2023

| To get started, type doc.
| For product information, visit

|   ISSM development path correctly loaded

|    Step 1: Mesh creation
| Anisotropic mesh adaptation
| WARNING: mesh present but no geometry found. Reconstructing...
|    new number of triangles = 6364
|    Step 2: Parameterization
|    Loading SeaRISE data from NetCDF
|    Interpolating surface and bedrock
|    Constructing thickness
|    Interpolating velocities 
|    Interpolating temperatures
|    Interpolating surface mass balance
|    Construct basal friction parameters
|    Construct ice rheological properties
|    Set other boundary conditions
|    Set geothermal heat flux
|    Set Pressure
|    Single point constraints
|    Step 3: Control method friction
| checking model consistency
| INFO: the outlog will look better if only md.verbose.control is turned on
| marshalling file SeaRISEgreenland.bin
| uploading input file and queuing script
| launching solution sequence on remote cluster

| Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
| (website: forum:

| call computational core:
|    preparing initial solution

|        x       |  Cost function f(x)  |  List of contributions
| ====================== step 1/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     57224.29  |       7295.477     49928.81  4.50625e-32
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     48746.04  |       3599.447     45146.54   0.05279271
| ====================== step 2/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     48742.38  |       3596.285     45146.05   0.05279271
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     45647.91  |       2718.953     42928.83    0.1197843
| ====================== step 3/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     45671.31  |       2742.747     42928.44    0.1197843
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     45232.67  |       2698.813     42533.72    0.1369708
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =        45379  |       2603.929     42774.95    0.1236372
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =      45330.6  |       2648.425     42682.04    0.1276943
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     45296.76  |       2671.065     42625.56     0.130842
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     45276.86  |       2686.467     42590.26    0.1330319
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =     45264.68  |       2696.086     42568.46    0.1344787
| ====================== step 4/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     45240.36  |       2706.494     42533.73    0.1369708
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     43859.84  |       2340.536     41519.12    0.1890024
| ====================== step 5/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     43852.25  |       2334.282     41517.78    0.1890024
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     42920.97  |       2083.961     40836.77    0.2369752
| ====================== step 6/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =      42920.9  |       2084.991     40835.67    0.2369752
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     40460.25  |       1899.183     38560.58    0.4824762
| ====================== step 7/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     40534.33  |        1973.32     38560.53    0.4824762
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     40130.78  |       1639.919     38490.36    0.4956304
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     40164.85  |        1630.76      38533.6    0.4858795
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =      40134.1  |       1616.635     38516.98    0.4889848
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     40129.15  |       1621.843     38506.82    0.4912867
|  x =  0.758239 | f(x) =     40130.73  |       1622.982     38507.26    0.4911914
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     40130.59  |       1629.589      38500.5    0.4928555
| ====================== step 8/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     40131.86  |       1624.501     38506.87    0.4912867
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     39672.04  |       1494.393      38177.1    0.5404335
| ====================== step 9/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     39669.91  |       1492.656     38176.71    0.5404335
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     39036.52  |       1397.035     37638.85    0.6393392
| ====================== step 10/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =      39035.7  |       1396.818     37638.25    0.6393392
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     38160.75  |       1434.238     36725.68    0.8373965
| ====================== step 11/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     38179.53  |       1453.779     36724.91    0.8373965
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     38018.08  |       1362.899     36654.32    0.8555446
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =      38006.1  |       1307.638     36697.62    0.8434183
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     37998.93  |       1317.255     36680.83    0.8476997
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     38004.57  |       1333.041     36670.68    0.8505411
|  x =  0.584017 | f(x) =     38003.78  |       1319.576     36683.36    0.8470667
|  x =  0.671791 | f(x) =     38003.38  |       1325.402     36677.13    0.8487227
| ====================== step 12/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     38003.23  |       1321.449     36680.93    0.8476997
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     37727.49  |       1293.449     36433.13    0.9076876
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     37869.24  |       1283.536     36584.84    0.8699897
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     37802.75  |       1274.511     36527.36    0.8841192
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     37768.11  |       1276.053     36491.17    0.8930184
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     37752.74  |       1283.039     36468.81    0.8985822
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =     37746.89  |       1290.972     36455.01    0.9020451
| ====================== step 13/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     37738.53  |       1304.491     36433.13    0.9076876
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     37608.99  |       1280.695     36327.36    0.9346133
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     37641.46  |       1248.416     36392.13    0.9173317
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     37620.76  |        1252.51     36367.33     0.923688
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     37614.37  |       1261.422     36352.02    0.9277676
|  x =  0.881827 | f(x) =     37612.66  |       1272.045     36339.69    0.9311486
|  x =  0.887712 | f(x) =     37615.16  |       1275.182     36339.04    0.9313194
| ====================== step 14/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     37613.46  |       1285.195     36327.33    0.9346133
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     37355.17  |       1208.508     36145.68    0.9832389
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     37500.75  |       1242.849     36256.94    0.9526516
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     37442.28  |       1226.401     36214.91    0.9641313
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =      37405.8  |       1216.483     36188.34    0.9713527
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     37384.97  |       1212.095      36171.9    0.9758642
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =     37373.35  |       1210.619     36161.75    0.9786708
| ====================== step 15/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     37356.61  |       1209.966     36145.66    0.9832389
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     36613.19  |       1249.983     35361.98     1.224813
| ====================== step 16/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     36623.88  |        1261.34     35361.31     1.224813
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     36401.35  |       1164.393      35235.7     1.266538
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     36489.07  |       1175.562     35312.27     1.239401
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     36453.02  |       1168.245     35283.53     1.249251
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     36430.52  |       1164.073     35265.19     1.255657
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     36417.31  |       1162.253      35253.8     1.259738
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =     36409.76  |       1161.742     35246.75     1.262306
| ====================== step 17/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     36399.92  |       1162.988     35235.67     1.266538
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     36081.57  |       1104.425     34975.79     1.355818
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     36265.44  |       1130.355     35133.78     1.300359
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     36193.78  |        1118.27     35074.19     1.321301
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     36149.64  |       1111.819     35036.49     1.334295
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     36123.81  |       1109.421     35013.05     1.342444
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =      36108.8  |       1108.926     34998.53     1.347525
| ====================== step 18/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =      36085.3  |        1108.29     34975.65     1.355818
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     35861.04  |       1112.461     34747.14     1.439384
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     35973.47  |       1088.485      34883.6      1.38831
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     35923.54  |       1091.585     34830.55     1.408119
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     35898.04  |       1098.771     34797.85     1.420145
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     35885.14  |       1105.568     34778.14     1.427447
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =     35878.15  |       1110.654     34766.06     1.431986
| ====================== step 19/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =      35865.5  |       1117.088     34746.98     1.439384
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     35691.97  |       1044.544     34645.95     1.478277
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     35777.36  |       1070.548     34705.35     1.454006
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     35745.64  |       1059.757     34684.42     1.463117
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     35722.42  |       1051.185     34669.77     1.468843
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     35708.98  |       1046.983     34660.53      1.47242
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =     35701.67  |       1045.394      34654.8     1.474647
| ====================== step 20/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     35692.21  |        1044.82     34645.91     1.478277
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     35217.83  |       1046.743     34169.41     1.677241
| ====================== step 21/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     35220.09  |       1049.391     34169.02     1.677241
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     35067.96  |       992.6728     34073.57     1.717358
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     35136.92  |        1009.81     34125.41     1.692094
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     35110.19  |       1001.714     34106.77     1.701565
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     35091.26  |       996.0861     34093.46     1.707529
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     35081.08  |       994.0872     34085.28     1.711257
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =      35076.1  |       994.0574     34080.33     1.713578
| ====================== step 22/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     35069.87  |        995.247     34072.91     1.717358
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34937.84  |       1020.937        33915      1.90029
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     34962.83  |       987.2311     33973.82     1.785839
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     34923.39  |       993.1615      33928.4     1.830988
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34933.83  |       1002.578     33929.39     1.858955
|  x =   0.63372 | f(x) =     34921.24  |       995.8724     33923.53     1.834066
|  x =  0.668711 | f(x) =     34927.57  |       996.8291      33928.9     1.840966
| ====================== step 23/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =      34922.2  |       995.6929     33924.67     1.834066
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34842.48  |       997.9163     33842.73     1.833677
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     34837.03  |       968.5171     33866.68     1.832157
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     34790.82  |       967.7175     33821.27      1.83186
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34805.49  |       976.4819     33827.17     1.832178
|  x =  0.626188 | f(x) =     34792.58  |       969.2797     33821.47     1.831865
|  x =  0.527864 | f(x) =     34811.48  |       967.3939     33842.26     1.831895
| ====================== step 24/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     34790.11  |       967.7752      33820.5      1.83186
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34566.78  |       1052.886      33511.9       2.0022
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     34665.54  |       983.5118     33680.14     1.895133
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     34623.62  |       1007.223     33614.46     1.935621
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34602.07  |       1024.178     33575.93     1.960962
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     34591.82  |       1037.857     33551.98     1.976714
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =     34586.29  |       1047.223     33537.09      1.98636
| ====================== step 25/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =      34574.1  |       1059.303     33512.79       2.0022
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34405.89  |       969.5796     33434.27     2.039691
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     34489.79  |       1013.304     33474.47     2.016186
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     34465.94  |       1001.764     33462.15     2.025087
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34442.25  |       989.0345     33451.19       2.0306
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     34426.12  |       979.8304     33444.26     2.034047
|  x =   0.90983 | f(x) =      34415.9  |       973.7961     33440.06     2.036193
| ====================== step 26/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     34402.24  |        966.073     33434.13     2.039691
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34305.54  |       945.7078     33357.76     2.076387
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =      34339.7  |       934.8917     33402.76     2.053233
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     34319.84  |       930.8938     33386.89     2.061895
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34310.68  |       932.7847     33375.83     2.067361
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     34309.39  |       938.5088     33368.81     2.070782
|  x =  0.843757 | f(x) =     34311.97  |       940.6153     33369.29     2.070388
| ====================== step 27/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     34314.13  |       954.2089     33357.84     2.076387
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34266.13  |       963.9261      33300.1     2.103467
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     34265.54  |       929.2117     33334.24     2.086236
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     34259.68  |       935.5789     33322.01      2.09264
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34260.64  |       944.8733     33313.67     2.096718
|  x =  0.650891 | f(x) =     34261.48  |       939.7097     33319.67      2.09355
|  x =  0.527864 | f(x) =     34261.54  |       932.7804     33326.67     2.090166
| ====================== step 28/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     34259.92  |       935.9462     33321.88      2.09264
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34204.14  |       991.9347     33210.06     2.148492
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     34204.97  |       925.0187     33277.84     2.113644
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =      34186.4  |       930.8776     33253.39     2.126697
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34186.01  |       947.2238     33236.65     2.134924
|  x =  0.697656 | f(x) =     34190.77  |       946.0807     33242.56     2.131172
|  x =  0.854102 | f(x) =     34195.61  |       967.0848     33226.39     2.140069
| ====================== step 29/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     34196.94  |       959.8431     33234.96     2.134924
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34150.66  |       956.0945     33192.41     2.155747
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     34140.53  |       920.8301     33217.56       2.1424
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     34138.43  |       927.5063     33208.78     2.147316
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34141.79  |       937.0807     33202.56     2.150466
|  x =  0.553185 | f(x) =     34139.38  |        926.303     33210.94     2.145943
|  x =  0.673762 | f(x) =     34139.87  |        931.445     33206.28     2.148509
| ====================== step 30/30 ===============================
|  x =         0 |    computing velocities
|    computing adjoint
|    saving results
| f(x) =     34139.52  |        928.952     33208.42     2.147316
|  x =         1 | f(x) =     34093.73  |       988.6171      33102.9     2.204941
|  x =  0.381966 | f(x) =     34087.13  |       918.1906     33166.77     2.168707
|  x =  0.618034 | f(x) =     34071.36  |       925.0287     33144.14     2.182308
|  x =  0.763932 | f(x) =     34072.99  |       942.5368     33128.27     2.190868
|  x =  0.663504 | f(x) =     34076.58  |        937.599      33136.8     2.184963
|  x =  0.527864 | f(x) =     34079.02  |       926.1743     33150.66     2.177077
|    preparing final solution
|    computing new velocity
| write lock file:

|    FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.017939
|    Total Core solution elapsed time:       16.1272
|    Linear solver elapsed time:             10.4742 (65%)

|    Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 16 sec
| loading results from cluster
|    Step 4: Transient run
| checking model consistency
| marshalling file SeaRISEgreenland.bin
| uploading input file and queuing script
| launching solution sequence on remote cluster

| Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
| (website: forum:

|    Input updates from constant
|    Input updates from constant
|    Renumbering degrees of freedom
|    Renumbering degrees of freedom
|    Renumbering degrees of freedom
|    Renumbering degrees of freedom
|    Renumbering degrees of freedom
|    Renumbering degrees of freedom
| call computational core:
|    Updating Mmes

| [0] ??? Error using ==> ./classes/Params/Parameters.cpp:279
| [0] FindParam error message: Parameter SolidearthSettingsHoriz not set

| [1] ??? Error using ==> ./classes/Params/Parameters.cpp:279
| [1] FindParam error message: Parameter SolidearthSettingsHoriz not set

| loading results from cluster
| cp: /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Silicon-Examples//execution/SeaRISEgreenland-11-29-2024-14-00-20-81510//SeaRISEgreenland.outbin: No such file or directory
| [Warning:
| ============================================================
|    Binary file SeaRISEgreenland.outbin not found!

|    This typically happens when the run crashed.
|    Please check for error messages above or in the outlog
| ============================================================
| ] 
| [> In loadresultsfromdisk (line 16)
| In loadresultsfromcluster (line 50)
| In solve (line 180)
| In runme (line 111)] 
|    Step 5: Plotting
| Unrecognized field name "TransientSolution".

| Error in runmeFAILURE
+++ exit code: 0