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Skipping 1 KB.. Full Log
The recommended git tool is: NONE
using credential 3c85c82b-fb35-4fea-b703-0aa4f155f9c7
 > git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/.git # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git --version # 'git version 2.39.2'
using GIT_SSH to set credentials GitHub Deploy Key - ISSMteam/ISSM - Jenkins
Verifying host key using known hosts file
 > git fetch --tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
Checking out Revision 361128ba0b397b9dc2a29790543f756080feb43c (refs/remotes/origin/main)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 361128ba0b397b9dc2a29790543f756080feb43c # timeout=10
Commit message: "BUG: Removed 'command'"
 > git rev-list --no-walk 4fa30f1778b2bf0c9358287485a4403664f702fe # timeout=10
[Debian_12-VM] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
Cleaning up execution directory
             Determining Installation type            
Previous revision number: 
Current revision number: 
List of updated files
Determining installation type
  -- checking for changed externalpackages... no
  -- checking for reconfiguration... no
  -- checking for recompilation... no
Recording current svn version: 
       Skipping autotools                          
       Skipping cmake                          
       Skipping petsc                          
       Skipping gsl                          
       Skipping triangle                          
       Skipping adjoinablempi                          
       Skipping adolc                          
       Skipping semic                          
       Skipping shell2junit                          
Skipping ISSM compilation
./jenkins/ line 385: 3397014 Segmentation fault      $MATLAB_PATH/bin/matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r "addpath ${ISSM_DIR}/src/m/dev; devpath; addpath ${ISSM_DIR}/nightlylog; matlab_run$i" &> ${ISSM_DIR}/nightlylog/matlab_log$i.log
--------------Running Python test for Rank 1---------------------
--------------Running Python test for Rank 1---------------------
--------------Running Python test for Rank 2---------------------
--------------Running Python test for Rank 2---------------------
Waiting on: 3415533
Waiting on: 3415534
This is the concatenation phase for rank: python_log1.log
This is the concatenation phase for rank: python_log2.log
+++ Removing old junit reports from: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog/results 

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3001 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0368198
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.750692
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.108443 (14%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 5e-14   <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 7.8e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 8.5e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 4.9e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressxx
SUCCESS difference: 3.8e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressyy
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressxy
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3001 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0368198
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.750692
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.108443 (14%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 5e-14   <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 7.8e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 8.5e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 4.9e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressxx
SUCCESS difference: 3.8e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressyy
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressxy
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3002 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              32768
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   2924453 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   5724985 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    363554
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   2694652 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0375809
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.174467
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0363075 (21%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2e-15   <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3002 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              32768
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   2924453 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   5724985 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    363554
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   2694652 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0375809
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.174467
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0363075 (21%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2e-15   <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3003 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              65536
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  50884534 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 115906964 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   5873814 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  47182151 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0362511
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       2.65291
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0050338 (0.19%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 2 sec
SUCCESS difference: 3e-10   <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.3e-11 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 7.7e-13 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensoryy
SUCCESS difference: 4.8e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorzz
SUCCESS difference: 2.6e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxy
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxz
SUCCESS difference: 9.5e-10 <   2e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensoryz
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3003 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              65536
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  50884534 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 115906964 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   5873814 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  47182151 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0362511
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       2.65291
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0050338 (0.19%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 2 sec
SUCCESS difference: 3e-10   <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.3e-11 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 7.7e-13 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensoryy
SUCCESS difference: 4.8e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorzz
SUCCESS difference: 2.6e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxy
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxz
SUCCESS difference: 9.5e-10 <   2e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensoryz
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3004 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                             262144
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 151858668 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 388493382 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   7060808 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 114485512 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0272833
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       21.9875
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.035426 (0.16%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 22 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 3.6e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.8e-09 <   3e-07 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 3.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 7.2e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3004 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                             262144
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 151858668 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 388493382 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   7060808 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 114485512 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0272833
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       21.9875
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.035426 (0.16%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 22 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 3.6e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.8e-09 <   3e-07 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 3.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 7.2e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3005 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    283970
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    536680 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                     22558
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    273366
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.00978592
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.118929
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000441815 (0.37%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3005 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3005 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    283970
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    536680 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                     22558
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    273366
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.00978592
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.118929
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000441815 (0.37%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3005 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3006 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                             131072
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    508931
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    886596 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                     21064
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    567994 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0085115
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.071494
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0102141 (14%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3006 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dDGAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3006 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                             131072
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    508931
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    886596 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                     21064
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    567994 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0085115
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.071494
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0102141 (14%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3006 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dDGAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3007 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              65536
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1459464 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   2520222 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    217290
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1396829 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0214561
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.110126
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000730204 (0.66%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3007 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp3dAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3007 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              65536
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1459464 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   2520222 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    217290
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1396829 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0214561
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.110126
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000730204 (0.66%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3007 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp3dAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3008 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  47344163 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 106360939 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   4400637 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  45464372 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0317136
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       4.14152
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000990664 (0.024%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 4 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.7e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3008 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolc field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-05 test id: 3008 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolc field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3008 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  47344163 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 106360939 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   4400637 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  45464372 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0317136
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       4.14152
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000990664 (0.024%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 4 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.7e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3008 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolc field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-05 test id: 3008 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolc field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3009 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              32768
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 120919473 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 272108956 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  11241689 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 115367703 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0357106
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       10.5184
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0188319 (0.18%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 10 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3009 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolc field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3009 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolc field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3009 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              32768
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 120919473 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 272108956 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  11241689 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 115367703 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0357106
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       10.5184
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0188319 (0.18%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 10 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3009 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolc field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3009 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolc field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3015 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.026754
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.111398
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.020469 (18%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0228842
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.116152
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0131533 (11%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                             340
     #dependents:                                                 1
     max #live active variables:                             262144
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3207777 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   5957756 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    199924
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3125197 ->file
   end AD core
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0213004
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.147345
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0179645 (12%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
dV/dh: analytical:  1082771667.875062
       using ad:    1082771668.00279

SUCCESS difference: 1.8e-10 <   1e-08 test id: 3015 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolcForwardDifference field: dV/dh
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3015 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.026754
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.111398
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.020469 (18%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0228842
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.116152
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0131533 (11%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                             340
     #dependents:                                                 1
     max #live active variables:                             262144
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3207777 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   5957756 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    199924
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3125197 ->file
   end AD core
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0213004
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.147345
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0179645 (12%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
dV/dh: analytical:  1082771667.875062
       using ad:    1082771668.00279

SUCCESS difference: 1.8e-10 <   1e-08 test id: 3015 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolcForwardDifference field: dV/dh
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3101 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0291689
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.268882
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0198312 (7.4%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 5.8e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.9e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressyy
SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressxy
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3101 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0291689
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.268882
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0198312 (7.4%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 5.8e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.9e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressyy
SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressxy
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3102 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1032010 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                    981023 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   1020930 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1996769 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   1893047 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   1977490 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    124427
       [1] #entries total                                    120218
       [2] #entries total                                    124430
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    965211 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                    908041 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                    954631 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0281088
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.075552
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0152548 (20%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2e-15   <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 7.5e-16 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2e-15   <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3102 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1032010 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                    981023 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   1020930 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1996769 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   1893047 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   1977490 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    124427
       [1] #entries total                                    120218
       [2] #entries total                                    124430
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    965211 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                    908041 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                    954631 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0281088
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.075552
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0152548 (20%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2e-15   <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 7.5e-16 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2e-15   <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3103 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              32768
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  17263218 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  17080668 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  17181209 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  39157182 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  38800593 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  39010106 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1962611 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   1954102 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   1962614 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  16053401 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  15859068 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  15973908 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0299326
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.978592
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0149319 (1.5%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 1 sec
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 5e-11   <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2.3e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 1.7e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.3e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensoryy
SUCCESS difference: 8.5e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorzz
SUCCESS difference: 2.5e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxy
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxz
SUCCESS difference: 7.7e-10 <   2e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensoryz
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3103 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              32768
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  17263218 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  17080668 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  17181209 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  39157182 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  38800593 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  39010106 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1962611 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   1954102 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   1962614 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  16053401 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  15859068 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  15973908 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0299326
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.978592
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0149319 (1.5%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 1 sec
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 5e-11   <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2.3e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 1.7e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.3e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensoryy
SUCCESS difference: 8.5e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorzz
SUCCESS difference: 2.5e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxy
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxz
SUCCESS difference: 7.7e-10 <   2e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensoryz
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3104 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              65536
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  54626849 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  48951866 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  53821561 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 137828054 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                 124156118 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                 136321579 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   2422146 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   2223092 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   2422152 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  41998381 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  37388225 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  41210283 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0398719
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       8.1706 
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0380929 (0.47%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 8 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 3.9e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-09 < 2.9e-07 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 3.7e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 3.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3104 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              65536
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  54626849 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  48951866 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  53821561 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                 137828054 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                 124156118 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                 136321579 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   2422146 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   2223092 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   2422152 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  41998381 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  37388225 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  41210283 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0398719
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       8.1706 
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0380929 (0.47%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 8 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 3.9e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-09 < 2.9e-07 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 3.7e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 3.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3105 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                               4096
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    100596
       [1] #entries total                                     92428
       [2] #entries total                                    105544
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    186994
       [1] #entries total                                    171505
       [2] #entries total                                    196142
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                      8158
       [1] #entries total                                      7518
       [2] #entries total                                      8478
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                     96086
       [1] #entries total                                     88660
       [2] #entries total                                    104737
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0508278
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0460785
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0235582 (51%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3105 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3105 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                               4096
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    100596
       [1] #entries total                                     92428
       [2] #entries total                                    105544
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    186994
       [1] #entries total                                    171505
       [2] #entries total                                    196142
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                      8158
       [1] #entries total                                      7518
       [2] #entries total                                      8478
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                     96086
       [1] #entries total                                     88660
       [2] #entries total                                    104737
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0508278
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0460785
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0235582 (51%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3105 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3106 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                               8192
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    104900
       [1] #entries total                                     97580
       [2] #entries total                                    112857
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    184036
       [1] #entries total                                    171117
       [2] #entries total                                    198915
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                      7536
       [1] #entries total                                      7062
       [2] #entries total                                      8150
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    102545
       [1] #entries total                                     95968
       [2] #entries total                                    109500
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0171593
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0157776
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00743141 (47%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3106 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dDGAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3106 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                               8192
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    104900
       [1] #entries total                                     97580
       [2] #entries total                                    112857
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    184036
       [1] #entries total                                    171117
       [2] #entries total                                    198915
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                      7536
       [1] #entries total                                      7062
       [2] #entries total                                      8150
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    102545
       [1] #entries total                                     95968
       [2] #entries total                                    109500
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0171593
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0157776
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00743141 (47%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3106 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dDGAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3107 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    512813
       [1] #entries total                                    471596
       [2] #entries total                                    535730 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    871444 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                    799992 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                    910620 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                     76170
       [1] #entries total                                     69898
       [2] #entries total                                     79306
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    488984
       [1] #entries total                                    451257
       [2] #entries total                                    526516 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0331578
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0614847
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00674736 (11%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3107 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp3dAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3107 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    512813
       [1] #entries total                                    471596
       [2] #entries total                                    535730 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    871444 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                    799992 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                    910620 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                     76170
       [1] #entries total                                     69898
       [2] #entries total                                     79306
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    488984
       [1] #entries total                                    451257
       [2] #entries total                                    526516 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0331578
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0614847
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00674736 (11%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3107 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp3dAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3108 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                               8192
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  15828442 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  15809625 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  15811280 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  35528302 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  35494806 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  35496921 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1466894 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   1466341 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   1466448 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  15207324 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  15188824 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  15190455 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0286647
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       10.101 
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0117589 (0.12%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 10 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3108 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolcMumps field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 2.6e-06 <   1e-05 test id: 3108 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolcMumps field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3108 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                               8192
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  15828442 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  15809625 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  15811280 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  35528302 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  35494806 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  35496921 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   1466894 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   1466341 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   1466448 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  15207324 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  15188824 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  15190455 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0286647
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       10.101 
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0117589 (0.12%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 10 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3108 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolcMumps field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 2.6e-06 <   1e-05 test id: 3108 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolcMumps field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3109 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  40418282 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  40371882 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  40375293 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  90883381 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  90800479 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  90804730 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3745270 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   3743816 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   3744243 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  38580315 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  38534785 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  38538031 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0266886
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       23.2324
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0355099 (0.15%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 23 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3109 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolcMumps field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3109 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolcMumps field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3109 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                               0
     #dependents:                                                 0
     max #live active variables:                              16384
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  40418282 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  40371882 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  40375293 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  90883381 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  90800479 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  90804730 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3745270 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                   3743816 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                   3744243 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  38580315 ->file
       [1] #entries total                                  38534785 ->file
       [2] #entries total                                  38538031 ->file
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0266886
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       23.2324
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0355099 (0.15%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 23 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3109 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolcMumps field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 0       <   1e-13 test id: 3109 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolcMumps field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3119 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                              91
     #dependents:                                                 1
     max #live active variables:                             131072
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   6923166 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  13299548 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    543835 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   6001412 ->file
   end AD core
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0249733
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       1.08415
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0236865 (2.2%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 1 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-14 <   1e-08 test id: 3119 test name: ReverseScalarDriver field: Jac Reverse
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: MATLAB-3119 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                              91
     #dependents:                                                 1
     max #live active variables:                             131072
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   6923166 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                  13299548 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    543835 ->file
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   6001412 ->file
   end AD core
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0249733
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       1.08415
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0236865 (2.2%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 1 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-14 <   1e-08 test id: 3119 test name: ReverseScalarDriver field: Jac Reverse
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3002 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0371177
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.12531
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0021011 (1.7%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference:   2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3002 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0371177
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.12531
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0021011 (1.7%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference:   2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3002 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolc field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3005 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0151769
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.024174
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000712151 (2.9%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3005 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3005 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0151769
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.024174
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000712151 (2.9%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3005 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3006 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0110541
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0222697
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00595495 (27%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3006 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dDGAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3006 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0110541
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0222697
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00595495 (27%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3006 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dDGAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3007 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0317512
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0591573
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000365193 (0.62%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3007 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp3dAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3007 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0317512
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0591573
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.000365193 (0.62%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3007 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp3dAdolc field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3008 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0483531
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       4.97767
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00208846 (0.042%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 5 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.7e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3008 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolc field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-05 test id: 3008 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolc field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3008 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0483531
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       4.97767
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00208846 (0.042%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 5 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.7e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3008 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolc field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-05 test id: 3008 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolc field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3015 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0230625
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.103519
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0198369 (19%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0205201
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0875041
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0182395 (21%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                             340
     #dependents:                                                 1
     max #live active variables:                             262144
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3207777 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   5957756 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    199924
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3125197 ->file
   end AD core
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.104818
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.479283
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0617056 (13%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
dV / dh: analytical:  1082771667.875062
       using adolc:  1082771668.00279

SUCCESS difference: 1.8e-10 <   1e-08 test id: 3015 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolcForwardDifference field: dV/dh
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3015 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0230625
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.103519
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0198369 (19%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0205201
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0875041
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0182395 (21%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
   start ad core
   ADOLC statistics: 
     #independents:                                             340
     #dependents:                                                 1
     max #live active variables:                             262144
     operations: entry size 1 Bytes 
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffObufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3207777 ->file
     locations: entry size 4 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffLbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   5957756 ->file
     constant values: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffCbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                    199924
     Taylor stack: entry size 8 Bytes
       #entries in buffer (AutodiffTbufsizeEnum)             524288
       [0] #entries total                                   3125197 ->file
   end AD core
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.104818
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.479283
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0617056 (13%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
dV / dh: analytical:  1082771667.875062
       using adolc:  1082771668.00279

SUCCESS difference: 1.8e-10 <   1e-08 test id: 3015 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolcForwardDifference field: dV/dh
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3101 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0363689
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.679748
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0502105 (7.4%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 5.8e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.9e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressyy
SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressxy
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3101 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0363689
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.679748
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0502105 (7.4%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.6e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 5.8e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.9e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressyy
SUCCESS difference: 3.2e-14 <   1e-12 test id: 3101 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolcMumps field: DeviatoricStressxy
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3102 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0427443
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.205578
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0303448 (15%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference:   2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 7.5e-16 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference:   2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3102 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0427443
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.205578
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0303448 (15%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference:   2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 7.5e-16 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference:   2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3102 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA3dAdolcMumps field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3103 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0453537
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       9.84332
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0380537 (0.39%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 10 sec
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference:   5e-11 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2.3e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 1.7e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.3e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensoryy
SUCCESS difference: 8.5e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorzz
SUCCESS difference: 2.5e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxy
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxz
SUCCESS difference: 7.7e-10 <   2e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensoryz
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3103 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0453537
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       9.84332
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0380537 (0.39%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 10 sec
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference:   5e-11 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2.3e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 1.7e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.3e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensoryy
SUCCESS difference: 8.5e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorzz
SUCCESS difference: 2.5e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxy
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensorxz
SUCCESS difference: 7.7e-10 <   2e-09 test id: 3103 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolcMumps field: StressTensoryz
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3107 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0285187
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.115693
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00753597 (6.5%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3107 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp3dAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3107 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0285187
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.115693
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00753597 (6.5%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3107 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp3dAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3108 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0465686
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       9.42487
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0126504 (0.13%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 9 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3108 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolcMumps field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 2.6e-06 <   1e-05 test id: 3108 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolcMumps field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3108 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0465686
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       9.42487
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0126504 (0.13%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 9 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3108 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolcMumps field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference: 2.6e-06 <   1e-05 test id: 3108 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherSteaAdolcMumps field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3001 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0345407
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.912144
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.129576 (14%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference:   5e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 7.8e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 8.5e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 4.9e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressxx
SUCCESS difference: 3.8e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressyy
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressxy
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3001 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0345407
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.912144
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.129576 (14%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference:   5e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 7.8e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 8.5e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 4.9e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressxx
SUCCESS difference: 3.8e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressyy
SUCCESS difference: 4.6e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3001 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressSSA2dAdolc field: DeviatoricStressxy
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3003 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0295096
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       5.92   
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00691505 (0.12%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 5 sec
SUCCESS difference:   3e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.3e-11 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 7.7e-13 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensoryy
SUCCESS difference: 4.8e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorzz
SUCCESS difference: 2.6e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxy
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxz
SUCCESS difference: 9.5e-10 <   2e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensoryz
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3003 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0295096
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       5.92   
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00691505 (0.12%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 5 sec
SUCCESS difference:   3e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.3e-11 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 2.4e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: Pressure
SUCCESS difference: 7.7e-13 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxx
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensoryy
SUCCESS difference: 4.8e-12 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorzz
SUCCESS difference: 2.6e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxy
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-10 <   1e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensorxz
SUCCESS difference: 9.5e-10 <   2e-09 test id: 3003 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressHOAdolc field: StressTensoryz
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3004 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0286271
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       40.8179
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0981044 (0.24%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 40 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 3.6e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.8e-09 <   3e-07 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 3.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 7.2e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3004 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0286271
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       40.8179
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0981044 (0.24%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 40 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.1e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vx
SUCCESS difference: 3.6e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 4.8e-09 <   3e-07 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 3.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 7.2e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3004 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolc field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3009 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.025879
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       51.7634
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.105523 (0.2%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 51 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3009 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolc field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3009 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolc field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3009 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.025879
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       51.7634
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.105523 (0.2%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 51 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3009 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolc field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3009 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolc field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3104 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0453352
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       79.6845
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0494108 (0.062%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 1 min 20 sec
SUCCESS difference: 6.7e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference:   9e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-08 <   2e-07 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 8.9e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 1.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3104 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0453352
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       79.6845
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0494108 (0.062%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 1 min 20 sec
SUCCESS difference: 6.7e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vx
SUCCESS difference:   9e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vy
SUCCESS difference: 1.5e-08 <   2e-07 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vz
SUCCESS difference: 8.9e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Vel
SUCCESS difference: 1.4e-11 <   1e-08 test id: 3104 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedStressFSAdolcMumps field: Pressure
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3105 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.014075
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0113992
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00478646 (42%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3105 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3105 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.014075
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0113992
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00478646 (42%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 2.2e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3105 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3106 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0155676
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0119996
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00596817 (50%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3106 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dDGAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3106 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0155676
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       0.0119996
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.00596817 (50%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 0 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.1e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3106 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedMasstransp2dDGAdolcMumps field: Thickness
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3109 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0294004
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       48.6422
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0234347 (0.048%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 48 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3109 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolcMumps field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3109 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolcMumps field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3109 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0294004
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       48.6422
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.0234347 (0.048%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 48 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-15 <   1e-13 test id: 3109 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolcMumps field: Temperature
SUCCESS difference:       0 <   1e-13 test id: 3109 test name: SquareShelfConstrainedTherTranAdolcMumps field: BasalforcingsGroundediceMeltingRate
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3119 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0259237
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       9.93902
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.314964 (3.2%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 10 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3119 test name: mport * field: Jac Reverse
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0

+++ Running case: PYTHON-3119 
+++ working dir: /home/jenkins/workspace/Debian_Linux-ADOL-C/AMPI/ampion/label/Debian_12-VM/nightlylog
      boundary conditions for stressbalance model: spc set as zero
      no balancethickness.thickening_rate specified: values set as zero
uploading input file and queuing script
launching solution sequence on remote cluster

Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM) version  4.24
(website: forum:

call computational core:
write lock file:

   FemModel initialization elapsed time:   0.0259237
   Total Core solution elapsed time:       9.93902
   Linear solver elapsed time:             0.314964 (3.2%)

   Total elapsed time: 0 hrs 0 min 10 sec
SUCCESS difference: 1.9e-14 <   1e-13 test id: 3119 test name: mport * field: Jac Reverse
+++ exit code: 0
+++ error: 0
Recording test results
Publishing build last changes...
Last changes from revision 361128b (current) to 4fa30f1 (previous) published successfully!
Finished: SUCCESS