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  1. BUG: output is md2 and not md (details)
  2. CHG: if no observations are provided, we can still use md.initialization.vx/vy to set new spc's (details)
Commit 53a5f7809e5bb78dd2757f1e260f493491e1e0f4 by Mathieu Morlighem
BUG: output is md2 and not md
The file was modifiedsrc/m/classes/model.m (diff)
Commit 81a688b74d172710ce86ae1fe07ef8bc9b126417 by Mathieu Morlighem
CHG: if no observations are provided, we can still use md.initialization.vx/vy to set new spc's
The file was modifiedsrc/m/classes/model.m (diff)