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Console Output

Started by user Justin Quinn
Running as SYSTEM
Building remotely on macOS-Intel (mac) in workspace /Users/jenkins/workspace/macOS-Intel-Solid_Earth
Cleaning local Directory .
Checking out at revision HEAD --quiet
Using sole credentials ISSM SVN repositories - Mathieu Morlighem in realm ‘<> Your s383 passwd’
At revision 28207

Using sole credentials ISSM SVN repositories - Mathieu Morlighem in realm ‘<> Your s383 passwd’
[macOS-Intel-Solid_Earth] $ /bin/bash /var/folders/j6/3xhtbkbs3kj24wm4s4s4b99w0000gp/T/
Cleaning up execution directory
             Determining Installation type            
Previous revision not found, this must be a fresh install
  -- checking for changed externalpackages... yes
  -- checking for reconfiguration... yes
  -- checking for recompilation... yes
Recording current svn version: 28207
       Installing autotools                        
       Installing cmake                        
       Installing petsc                        
Build was aborted
Aborted by Justin Quinn
Recording test results
Publishing build last changes...
Last changes from revision 28207 (current) to 28206 (previous) published successfully!
Finished: ABORTED