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#223 (Mar 27, 2024, 1:39:56 PM)

Started 2 mo 22 days ago
Took 2 hr 41 min on macOS-Intel

Started by user Justin Quinn

Revision: 28192
  1. CHG: Corrected test suites and packaging (detail)
    by jdquinn
  2. BUG: enable parallel computing on compute canada clusters (detail)
    by sehrenfe
  3. CHG: Need to link GMT differently and add more libraries to distributable (detail)
    by jdquinn
  4. CHG: Need to link GMT differently and add more libraries to distributable (detail)
    by jdquinn
  5. CHG: minor typo in path (detail)
    by poinelli
  6. CHG: minor, adding larsen to default machine when using interpAdusumilli, RignotMeltRate and SeaRISE (detail)
    by poinelli
  7. CHG: Adjusted tolerances (detail)
    by jdquinn
  8. CHG: Adjusted tolerances (detail)
    by jdquinn
  9. CHG: Forgot to change back to patch (detail)
    by jdquinn
  10. CHG: Corrected configs; list of files to sign (detail)
    by jdquinn