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#3718 (Mar 24, 2025, 11:11:28 AM)

  1. BUG: new code could not work when port was non 0 (commit: 58593b7) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3717 (Mar 21, 2025, 6:52:00 PM)

  1. CHG: using Isend instead of blocking Send (commit: 997fcf1) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  2. CHG: moving MPI_Send to Isend, non-blocking (commit: e8a1e91) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3716 (Mar 21, 2025, 6:07:55 AM)

  1. BUG: removed minus signs (commit: 1ad38a0) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3715 (Mar 21, 2025, 5:50:56 AM)

  1. BUG: forgot to change nargin (commit: b505df7) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3714 (Mar 21, 2025, 5:26:34 AM)

  1. CHG: SMBgemb does not need geometry (commit: 49ad06c) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3713 (Mar 20, 2025, 1:04:02 PM)

  1. BUG: fixed a ton of memory leaks (commit: 90dda5a) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3712 (Mar 20, 2025, 12:04:44 PM)

  1. CHG: minor aestetics (commit: 8f975c8) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3711 (Mar 20, 2025, 11:46:46 AM)

  1. CHG: Adjusted tolerances (commit: 59f4a62) — support / githubweb

#3710 (Mar 20, 2025, 11:27:10 AM)

  1. CHG: fixing grammar (commit: 10a8e8b) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3709 (Mar 20, 2025, 10:19:17 AM)

  1. BUG: do not free world (commit: 77bed25) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3708 (Mar 20, 2025, 10:02:56 AM)

  1. CHG: fixing memory leaks (commit: 2a51b2a) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3707 (Mar 19, 2025, 10:07:44 AM)

  1. CHG: Adjusted tolerances (commit: 33744a0) — support / githubweb

#3706 (Mar 18, 2025, 10:44:43 AM)

  1. CHG: added more checks to GrdModel (commit: a702059) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3705 (Mar 18, 2025, 8:52:41 AM)

  1. CHG: updated archive now that final time is enforced for fixed time steps (commit: 36baf6d) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3704 (Mar 18, 2025, 5:43:53 AM)

  1. CHG: added option for path in interpMouginot (commit: 5a01774) — helene.l.seroussi / githubweb

#3703 (Mar 17, 2025, 5:39:20 PM)

  1. CHG: do not bother us with vz if 2d (commit: c984b4a) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3702 (Mar 17, 2025, 1:38:38 PM)

  1. CHG: do not exceed final time even for fixed time steps (commit: 318f2c9) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3701 (Mar 17, 2025, 7:30:02 AM)

  1. CHG: added netcdf to bin (commit: a2bb407) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3700 (Mar 14, 2025, 6:10:14 PM)

  1. BUG: Bad indentation (commit: ae8ae3a) — support / githubweb

#3699 (Mar 14, 2025, 3:59:15 PM)

  1. CHG: Reapplying corrections for scp on systems that don't have bash list expansion; more error checks; clean up (commit: 12903b3) — support / githubweb

#3698 (Mar 14, 2025, 11:09:12 AM)

  1. CHG: removing old external packages (commit: a1e8b26) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3697 (Mar 14, 2025, 5:42:25 AM)

  1. CHG: merging createMCC's (commit: f07fd45) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3696 (Mar 13, 2025, 8:38:19 PM)

  1. DEL: not needed anymore (commit: edef79f) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  2. CHG: Corrected env to pick up PROJ; added infiniband network option to UB CCR cluster; corrected rpath for macOS binaries (commit: 5d348c6) — support / githubweb
  3. BUG: Typo (commit: f331694) — support / githubweb
  4. CHG: gdaltransform -> CoordTransform; cleanup (commit: 47dfffb) — support / githubweb
  5. CHG: not needed anymore, and not part of ISSM (commit: bc727e4) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  6. CHG: renaming file because name is inconsistent with function name, and filename is already used by class (commit: fbd2caa) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  7. CHG: cleaning up netCDF functions, lots of duplicates (commit: b086cf1) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3695 (Mar 12, 2025, 10:23:04 AM)

  1. CHG: do not recompute distance unless absolutely necessary (commit: c865317) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3694 (Mar 6, 2025, 10:24:03 AM)

  1. CHG: update interp files for passing in other servers and building with (commit: 227a2fc) — 95945328+NJSchlegel / githubweb

#3693 (Mar 1, 2025, 4:21:07 PM)

  1. BUG: Typo (commit: 6e27001) — support / githubweb

#3692 (Mar 1, 2025, 2:08:11 PM)

  1. CHG: Correcting rpath issues for binaries (commit: a7323b8) — support / githubweb

#3691 (Feb 28, 2025, 8:26:06 PM)

  1. CHG: Use system copy of cURL on UB CCR; added rpath to Python binaries for macOS (commit: 6b488fd) — support / githubweb

#3690 (Feb 27, 2025, 4:24:16 PM)

  1. CHG: Allow GEMB to pass inputs at a lower resolution and downscale using (commit: 83c71f6) — 95945328+NJSchlegel / githubweb
  2. BUG: Update the sign of gradient mapping and constrain dlw to greater (commit: 66aefad) — 95945328+NJSchlegel / githubweb
  3. NEW: add testing for gemb downscaling functionality (commit: 0731c7a) — 95945328+NJSchlegel / githubweb
  4. CHG: minor update to indentation (commit: db8087b) — 95945328+NJSchlegel / githubweb

#3689 (Feb 27, 2025, 11:02:36 AM)

  1. CHG: steadystate should stop if step>=maxiter otherwise we do it one too many times (commit: 7e7149f) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3688 (Feb 20, 2025, 10:04:49 PM)

  1. CHG: Copying FC to F77 and F900 for GitHub workflow (commit: 24a825c) — support / githubweb

#3687 (Feb 20, 2025, 9:22:18 PM)

  1. CHG: Corrected setting of compiler env vars for GitHub workflows (commit: 69e2b71) — support / githubweb

#3686 (Feb 20, 2025, 2:54:43 PM)

  1. BUG: Testing explicit setting of compilers (commit: 06e91f1) — support / githubweb

#3685 (Feb 20, 2025, 2:37:55 PM)

  1. Update (commit: 6f05fc0) — support / githubweb

#3684 (Feb 20, 2025, 2:03:54 PM)

  1. BUG: Needed to suppress self-signed certificate error (commit: b522849) — support / githubweb

#3683 (Feb 20, 2025, 1:49:07 PM)

  1. CHG: Trying system copy of curl (commit: dd54aa5) — support / githubweb

#3682 (Feb 20, 2025, 1:33:34 PM)

  1. CHG: Typo (commit: c6d7031) — support / githubweb

#3681 (Feb 20, 2025, 1:17:07 PM)

  1. BUG: Use temp file instead of here-string when wget'ting datasets (commit: cc5b524) — support / githubweb

#3680 (Feb 20, 2025, 11:31:06 AM)

  1. CHG: need to recast from double to int dof type (commit: 8020713) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3679 (Feb 20, 2025, 10:31:59 AM)

  1. CHG: Removing outdated Python install scripts; temporarily allowing debugging messages for wget in dataset download script (commit: 4aa41d0) — support / githubweb

#3678 (Feb 19, 2025, 7:37:04 PM)

  1. CHG: Need GSL for CoDiPack and ADOL-C tests (commit: 2e8c8d7) — support / githubweb

#3677 (Feb 19, 2025, 5:08:03 PM)

  1. CHG: Removed GSL and QUESO from Dakota dependencies and configurations; removed flags classic Xcode linker; removed duplicate lib flags on Dakota libs (commit: c5e9564) — support / githubweb

#3676 (Feb 18, 2025, 12:30:30 PM)

  1. CHG: silent deletion printf (commit: e88587c) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3675 (Feb 18, 2025, 12:03:22 PM)

  1. CHG: no need to have OptionUtilities anymore, and change all sprintf to snprintf to avoid compiler warnings (commit: 0396053) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3674 (Feb 18, 2025, 7:37:24 AM)

  1. CHG: do not provide time and step for J and gradient, leave defaults is UNDEF so that it does not create a first step artificially (commit: ec45e80) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  2. CHG: added mpi compilers by default to ISSM (commit: 0753018) — mathieu.morlighem / githubweb
  3. Update ubuntu-python.yml (commit: 880b1ce) — noreply / githubweb

#3673 (Feb 18, 2025, 5:32:04 AM)

  1. CHG: print exit code (commit: a7cfcf2) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3672 (Feb 11, 2025, 8:24:27 PM)

  1. DEL: gaijin cluster has been decommissioned (commit: 3ef9a1f) — support / githubweb

#3671 (Feb 11, 2025, 8:08:26 PM)

  1. added class for gadi cluster support (commit: 6775867) — justinhew123 / githubweb
  2. minor additions to gadi cluster (commit: f1d5730) — justinhew123 / githubweb

#3670 (Feb 8, 2025, 6:58:30 PM)

  1. CHG: Corrections for CCR cluster class; clean up (commit: 3352928) — support / githubweb

#3669 (Feb 6, 2025, 11:20:29 AM)

  1. CHG: updated compilers (commit: 6a1c836) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3668 (Feb 6, 2025, 10:22:48 AM)

  1. NEW: added (commit: fdadf62) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3667 (Feb 5, 2025, 4:51:09 PM)

  1. CHG: better way to Duplicate vector using PETSc's VecDuplicate (commit: 341d32b) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3666 (Feb 4, 2025, 11:21:36 AM)

  1. CHG: ignore files from externalpackages (commit: 6cf3b7f) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3665 (Feb 4, 2025, 10:41:30 AM)

  1. CHG: removing MatMultPatch, we can use PETSc's MatMult all the time (commit: 7464173) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3664 (Feb 4, 2025, 6:27:09 AM)

  1. CHG: testing whether we actually need MatMultPatch (commit: 138c3c0) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3663 (Feb 3, 2025, 1:14:30 PM)

  1. CHG: allow user to not specify time and step (commit: c014c78) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3662 (Feb 3, 2025, 12:38:27 PM)

  1. CHG: Temporarily downloading specific version of MPICH to deal with issue with latest version of MacOS SDK; cleanup (commit: b03ad34) — support / githubweb

#3661 (Feb 2, 2025, 10:47:19 AM)

  1. added smb friction and hydrology checks for matlab to python netcdf (commit: d45bd7f) — adam.hepburn / githubweb
  2. added hydrology, smb, and friction routines to netCDF write/read (commit: 47c48f4) — adam.hepburn / githubweb
  3. fixed hydrology requested outputs (commit: b423eab) — adam.hepburn / githubweb

#3660 (Feb 1, 2025, 11:43:42 AM)

  1. BUG: wrong model field (commit: 6ec7aad) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  2. CHG: need numpy (commit: c65a23d) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3659 (Feb 1, 2025, 10:54:06 AM)

  1. CHG: better handling of mask interpolation (commit: 36a7a85) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  2. CHG: still need to convert to 9354 (commit: f4f84e9) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  3. NEW: added ability to have a spatially and temporally variable englacial storage coefficient (commit: 450ac08) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3658 (Jan 29, 2025, 7:59:46 PM)

  1. added additional checks for homebrew installed python libraries (commit: 2a32551) — justinhew123 / githubweb

#3657 (Jan 24, 2025, 10:47:35 AM)

  1. CHG: Matlab > Python, Synchronize (commit: 52fc551) — inwoo / githubweb

#3656 (Jan 24, 2025, 10:31:12 AM)

  1. CHG: Pull in Python version to NumPy path (commit: d4a8713) — support / githubweb

#3655 (Jan 23, 2025, 9:01:24 PM)

  1. CHG: python-tk not available (commit: 5ebc13b) — support / githubweb

#3654 (Jan 23, 2025, 8:47:17 PM)

  1. CHG: - skip loading mmemasstransport in Python. "mmemasstransport" is not yet implemented in python. (commit: 93d6751) — inwoo / githubweb

#3653 (Jan 23, 2025, 8:31:03 PM)

  1. CHG: Upgrading Python version; cleanup (commit: 57a4537) — support / githubweb

#3652 (Jan 23, 2025, 12:06:24 PM)

  1. CHG: allow spchead to be a time dependent input (commit: 2f757f0) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3651 (Jan 10, 2025, 1:11:14 AM)

  1. BUG: Fix for blaslapack config options (commit: 1948869) — support / githubweb

#3650 (Jan 9, 2025, 9:05:42 PM)

  1. CHG: Updated install scripts and configuration for Pleiades (commit: 898ea8f) — support / githubweb

#3649 (Jan 8, 2025, 9:51:31 AM)

  1. NEW: Matlab > Python: initialize test/NightlyRun/ (commit: bc9b243) — inwoopark0415 / githubweb
  2. CHG: SEMIC - Fix bugs in calculating downward longwave radiation correction according to "Marty et al. (2002)". (commit: 986c58e) — inwoopark0415 / githubweb
  3. CHG: Update "SMBsemic" module. (commit: 6390446) — inwoopark0415 / githubweb
  4. CHG: Fix minor in "SmbSemicTransient". (commit: f61960d) — inwoo / githubweb

#3648 (Jan 7, 2025, 5:47:24 AM)

  1. CHG: updated tolerance for windows (commit: 4eb52c0) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3647 (Jan 6, 2025, 11:19:24 AM)

  1. fixed directory for ocean forcing (commit: 6123783) — f007fk5 / githubweb

#3646 (Jan 6, 2025, 7:36:27 AM)

  1. ADD:adding Helheim SHAKTI tutorials (commit: fa33a8e) — aleahsommers / githubweb

#3645 (Jan 5, 2025, 5:25:42 PM)

  1. CHG: Remove unnecessary null pointer checks (commit: a43ae18) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3644 (Jan 2, 2025, 2:24:10 PM)

  1. CHG: Updated path to libgfortran (commit: 265e300) — support / githubweb

#3643 (Jan 1, 2025, 11:45:09 AM)

  1. CHG: Need no error flag for newer GCC (commit: 86cd2eb) — support / githubweb

#3642 (Dec 30, 2024, 12:36:10 PM)

  1. add exp file generating function (commit: c393f5f) — f007fk5 / githubweb

#3641 (Dec 30, 2024, 12:19:51 PM)

  1. add amundsen path to ISMIP6 interp functions (commit: c65a67b) — f007fk5 / githubweb

#3640 (Dec 30, 2024, 11:29:57 AM)

  1. CHG: Fix default value for decreasing downward longwave radiation with value of 29 W m-2 km-1. (commit: 49d92f6) — inwoopark0415 / githubweb

#3639 (Dec 27, 2024, 11:18:58 AM)

  1. CHG: Applying patch that disables requirement of Python 2 (commit: 002427c) — support / githubweb

#3638 (Dec 20, 2024, 6:23:39 AM)

  1. BUG: remove weak- from the library added by MATLAB 2024b on macOS 15.02 (commit: 51d4948) — enigne / githubweb

#3637 (Dec 19, 2024, 7:01:51 PM)

  1. CHG: Adjusted tolerances (commit: a2cee86) — support / githubweb

#3636 (Dec 19, 2024, 4:40:15 PM)

  1. CHG: Added note about accessing older revisions (commit: a7df220) — support / githubweb

#3635 (Dec 19, 2024, 10:14:14 AM)

  1. CHG: Updating GCC version (commit: 2d961ee) — support / githubweb

#3634 (Dec 19, 2024, 8:18:25 AM)

  1. CHG: improved performance of SetValues (commit: c8946ee) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3633 (Dec 17, 2024, 8:48:52 PM)

  1. CHG: Do not test for MATLAB license on examples builds (commit: 468b63e) — support / githubweb

#3632 (Dec 17, 2024, 7:53:47 PM)

  1. CHG: More fixes for nightlies (moving MATLAB license test to separate build) (commit: 0fc1a93) — support / githubweb

#3631 (Dec 17, 2024, 7:39:07 PM)

  1. CHG: Various fixes for nightly tests (commit: 3fc6ba0) — support / githubweb

#3629 (Dec 17, 2024, 12:01:28 PM)

  1. CHG: make sure to add proj lib to path if we are calling CoordTransform (commit: 7a76b05) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  2. CHG: more flexible interface to interpFromGeotiff, we can now ask for a specific interpolation method (commit: 40ce928) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb
  3. NEW: moved to IBCSO v2 2024 (commit: ffc573d) — Mathieu Morlighem / githubweb

#3628 (Dec 14, 2024, 12:11:52 PM)

  1. CHG: Unpinning NumPy version for GitHub CI; fix for syntax that works for latest version of NumPy (commit: da6d594) — support / githubweb

#3627 (Dec 13, 2024, 7:34:02 PM)

  1. NEW: Add src/m/contrib/inwoo/ - load ISSM model written in netcdfil with "export_netCDF". (commit: a775369) — inwoo / githubweb
  2. NEW: Python > Matlab - add loadmodel_netcdf.m from "". (commit: fc6fbc7) — inwoo / githubweb

#3626 (Dec 13, 2024, 11:32:41 AM)

  1. CHG: Pinning NumPy version as temporary fix for GitHub CI issues; cleanup (commit: 1ab7d86) — support / githubweb

#3625 (Dec 12, 2024, 12:14:54 PM)

  1. CHG: Testing if any other cases fail GitHub CI (commit: 6f9dacc) — support / githubweb

#3624 (Dec 6, 2024, 1:49:43 PM)

  1. Update sealevelchange_core.cpp (commit: f108956) — noreply / githubweb

#3623 (Dec 1, 2024, 9:36:26 PM)

  1. CHG: fixed issue with geometry kernel being recomputed several times (commit: 7ea993e) — Eric Larour / githubweb

#3622 (Nov 30, 2024, 3:34:21 PM)

  1. CHG: collapsing removed for mmemasstransport class. (commit: 4830a10) — Eric Larour / githubweb

#3621 (Nov 30, 2024, 11:08:38 AM)

  1. CHG: missing instantiation of mmemasstransport field in model class. (commit: 91f439d) — Eric Larour / githubweb

#3620 (Nov 29, 2024, 8:26:08 PM)

  1. CHG: slc coupling not activated in UQ mode. (commit: 3a0e6ae) — Eric Larour / githubweb

#3619 (Nov 29, 2024, 7:59:31 PM)

  1. CHG: fixing some segfaults. (commit: 9224985) — Eric Larour / githubweb