- CHG: renaming Viscous Budd (commit: 36ebee1) (details)
- CHG: Adjusted tolerances (commit: 49f94dd) (details)
- CHG: multithreading ContourToNodes (commit: 1e79391) (details)
- BUG: mexPrintf is NOT thread safe and crashes. Replace by printf (commit: 9474be9) (details)
- CHG: Temporary fix for not being able to connect via port 22 (commit: a83fea6) (details)
- CHG: Need P instead of p option (commit: cf35b4b) (details)
- CHG: added PROJ_LIB env variable to make sure proj.db is found. There are sometimes conflicts with MATLAB's libraries which must be taken care of (commit: a75b963) (details)
- CHG: minor changed ISSM description (commit: bdd72f6) (details)
- CHG: ITS_LIVE annual velocity updated to v02, data avaliable from 1985 to 2022. The .nc files are in netCDF4 format, to load in Matlab, we need to use `h5read` (commit: 43146cb) (details)
- ADD: interpolate from MEaSUREs monthly averaged velocity Mosaic (2014-2023) : (commit: dbcc688) (details)
- CHG: use mapping toolbox map if Googlemaps is not available (commit: d980ed3) (details)
- CHG: fixed zoom level option (commit: 83cdc8c) (details)
- CHG: adjusted tolerances (commit: 86dd813) (details)
- CHG: added interactive to disp: (commit: 23bf349) (details)
- Added time and memory output for CoDiPack. (commit: 31dab70) (details)
- Make preaccumulation configurable. (commit: b741196) (details)
- Create c-cpp.yml (commit: 8d1129b) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: 57e71e6) (details)
- CHG: changed checks on flags (commit: 8a0fac6) (details)
- CHG: need to initialize as 0 (commit: 1c719e0) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: c6b61c1) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: 533d30c) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: 5a3ec47) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: 571d041) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml, add matlab (commit: 2f464c6) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: b78ae06) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: df8b3b6) (details)
- Create github_linux_basic (commit: 5b34d72) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: d3045ed) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: 42c18ea) (details)
- change the directory for CI files (commit: 13f902e) (details)
- Update (commit: cc2ad67) (details)
- Update (commit: a1131fe) (details)
- create badge for CI, add it to README (commit: 684ad98) (details)
- CHG: minor (commit: 9092bf4) (details)
- BUG: forgot to close parenthesis (commit: 2e01ed8) (details)
- CHG: upgrading PETSc in order to find latest ZLIB (commit: b3dbeeb) (details)
- FIX: calculation of VAF based on mask in Tria.cpp (commit: 1f9cd7f) (details)
- CHG: trying to simplify CI (commit: f1e8d22) (details)
- CHG: trying to simplify CI (commit: db0c094) (details)
- CHG: getting PETSc from apt-get (commit: 4fbda8b) (details)
- CHG: PETSc needs to be installed manually, but we can skip autotools and cmake (commit: 5059e9c) (details)
- BUG: fixing CI problem (commit: 8350f08) (details)
- CHG: trying to fix CI (commit: 65c0f6e) (details)
- CHG: trying to fix CI (commit: 2ed9f19) (details)
- CHG: trying to fix CI (commit: b6cd13d) (details)
- CHG: trying to fix CI (commit: 2e0f8b8) (details)
- Update (commit: 9661eba) (details)
- NEW: added option 'quitonerror' for GitHub's CI (commit: cc5f201) (details)
- CHG: fixing matlab tests in GitHub CI (commit: 246bda2) (details)
- CHG: trying to fix CI with MATLAB (commit: 7f9ba8b) (details)
- CHG: trying to debug CI (commit: c4ee45e) (details)
- CHG: trying to add MATLAB tests (commit: 031c116) (details)
- CHG: fixing MATLAB (commit: a979171) (details)
- load matlab action manually (commit: 0bc0f3c) (details)
- FIX: updated archive 540 (commit: 2ba99c0) (details)
- CHG: checking env (commit: 2538728) (details)
- CHG: checking env (commit: a359b8b) (details)
- CHG: checking env (commit: f597fb4) (details)
- CHG: checking env (commit: ce37a17) (details)
- CHG: checking env (commit: d5f69f3) (details)
- CHG: checking env (commit: d2964e7) (details)
- set environment before running matlab (commit: 76e3036) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: e30c029) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: 7b61081) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: 168094e) (details)
- Update c-cpp.yml (commit: 21920c7) (details)
- CHG: fixed typo (commit: 70b01e1) (details)
- NEW: added a function that reads a geotiff and outputs x,y,data (commit: d78e873) (details)
- CHG: better check on METIS header (commit: 05cd86f) (details)
- CHG: removing PETSc from installation (commit: 8eceb90) (details)
- CHG: install openMPI (commit: df04386) (details)
- CHG: figuring out open MPI (commit: f6e9ef8) (details)
- CHG: mpi-include does not need -I (commit: 44a9842) (details)
- CHG: scalapack is installed as part of open MPI (commit: dc05929) (details)
- CHG: do not assume that ParMETIS is installed if MUMPS is provided (commit: a31e6d3) (details)
- CHG: do not preload petsc files if petsc is not installed (commit: 0a97081) (details)
- CHG: reverting to installing PETSc (commit: d0fde5f) (details)
- CHG: simplifying workflow and scripts (commit: 382596b) (details)
- CHG: change name (commit: 54b070a) (details)
- CHG: removing MPICH from PETSc to speed up CI (commit: 2f9390b) (details)
- CHG: adding more libs to mpi (commit: 15d7142) (details)
- CHG: forgot to change LD_PRELOAD (commit: 7c3cac2) (details)
- CHG: adding flag to mpiexec to avoid openmpi error message about 'There are not enough slots available' (commit: 48737e1) (details)
- CHG: do not make MeshPartition a template (commit: 6bfebab) (details)
- CHG: added example (commit: c8b520e) (details)
- BUG: do not initialize codi_global if autodiff is false (commit: 4dc2ae2) (details)
- CHG: Added packages to UB CCR installation; do not compile MeshPartition if METIS is not available (commit: 787af96) (details)
- try to set two steps for the CI (commit: f400850) (details)
- try to add cache (commit: ad75a7b) (details)
- try to set the path for cache (commit: 6ed91f0) (details)
- try again with env variable (commit: 750c718) (details)
- update download path in artifact (commit: 13af998) (details)
- try to also cache matlab (commit: 5de8374) (details)
- change mpi back to petsc version (commit: 4e142f4) (details)
- no need to cache matlab (commit: 239ff87) (details)
- cache matlab (commit: f6f2916) (details)
- try the uncompress path again (commit: a175878) (details)
- download to /root (commit: 03b51c1) (details)
- try to use relative path (commit: 8f3ee6d) (details)
- add relative path (commit: fa1031b) (details)
- change relative path again (commit: 91d425f) (details)
- typo fixed (commit: 1fe7196) (details)
- update working dir (commit: 1be644a) (details)
- activate compile (commit: 64d3590) (details)
- put test back (commit: 8cd2297) (details)
- remove apt-get installed mpi (commit: 45287e7) (details)
- try to create a matrix of test (commit: 7baf86f) (details)
- try matrix with string variables (commit: 6fc2d49) (details)
- add codipack in CI (commit: 909790b) (details)
- try to fix codipack configure (commit: 093a11e) (details)
- add gsl (commit: 884b5f0) (details)
- seperate basic and codipack (commit: 7283804) (details)
- Update common-workflow.yml (commit: 0ce30b9) (details)
- only include ad tests for ccdipack (commit: 92c4d5e) (details)
- fix bug in main-ci (commit: e2e12b5) (details)
- set different names for different runs (commit: 0bde952) (details)
- add type of input.os (commit: bb088f1) (details)
- try to cache src/c (commit: 1df6ca5) (details)
- fix error in the test job (commit: 63ba042) (details)
- remove cache src/c (commit: e253f84) (details)
- try petsc-3.20 for ad (commit: 69212ab) (details)
- try to use env to set the id of cache (commit: b7973ce) (details)
- try github.env (commit: 1e05474) (details)
- try to fix bugs when using inputs in cache id (commit: 18ac845) (details)
- fix bug in the if condition (commit: 1f4a9f4) (details)
- fix codipack (commit: fae90a5) (details)
- try ad again (commit: 66e4f82) (details)
- CHG: added error message instead of just bypassing (commit: 1aa4555) (details)
- CHG: for macOS we now also need to add -commons use_dylibs (commit: eddbc51) (details)
- BUG: need to provide specific LD_FLAGS and tweak to make it work on Sonoma (commit: 2364937) (details)
- CHG: cleanup (commit: 14d761f) (details)
- remove with-petsc in codipack (commit: b35a114) (details)
- reduce matrix size for tests (commit: 4671a46) (details)
- check spaces (commit: 5ccd274) (details)
- turn off codipack tests (commit: 3f44b86) (details)
- do not compress petsc/src/ to decrease the size of the artifact (commit: 38f993e) (details)
- try to exclude petsc/src (commit: 29dbe16) (details)
- add gsl to codipack version (commit: 8bb700f) (details)
- CHG: calving rate in CalvingMIP use normal vector from the levelset (commit: 8b089ab) (details)
- Update (commit: 81ee094) (details)
- Update (commit: d3c04a9) (details)
- Update action badge in (commit: ba30c85) (details)
- CHG: default md.levelset.reinit_frequency=10. Add more description to stabilization (commit: b5d77dd) (details)
- CHG: make two CIs separately for Ubuntu basic and codipack (commit: 2b5a6ff) (details)
- CHG: Update test540, due to update default reinit_frequency (commit: 3e9e691) (details)
- change the way to reuse workflow (commit: 1e8a29b) (details)
- hard code the version of configure ISSM for now (commit: 80151a8) (details)
- BUG: fix CalvingCalvingMIP in Penta (commit: b2de648) (details)
- fix bugs in action.yml (commit: 830d14b) (details)
- separate prepare externalpackes and build (commit: d8e2dd1) (details)
- test ISSM_DIR (commit: fa789b6) (details)
- Update action.yml (commit: 5aa39ba) (details)
- fix ISSM_DIR issue (commit: 8bd8575) (details)
- rerun CI, make input name shorter (commit: ca8a4ee) (details)
- fix bug in action.yml (commit: 73c3538) (details)
- CHG: update Archive540 (commit: 8c4f19d) (details)
- rerun full CI (commit: 886c972) (details)
- fix bug in uploading artifact (commit: c64a63f) (details)
- BUG: fix CalvingCalvingMIP (commit: d8bbe33) (details)
- BUG: recompile ISSM, update test540 Archive (commit: bdff019) (details)
- CHG: update Archive affected by levelset.reinit_frequency=10 (commit: 96b1b80) (details)
- add badges for Ubuntu Basic and CodiPack (commit: a79de1e) (details)
- CHG: MATLAB -> Python and Javascript (commit: 6a2b0e0) (details)
- CHG: taking care of paths with white spaces (commit: b801141) (details)
- CHG: relaxed tolerances for test 541 (commit: 74b8289) (details)
- CHG: Cleanup (commit: 5495d62) (details)
- CHG: update to GEMB merge layers to parallel matlab version updates (commit: e068d33) (details)
- CHG: update GEMB tols for latest commit (commit: 1b6b531) (details)
- CHG: update remaining tols in windows and on git for GEMB (commit: a727659) (details)
- CHG: Cleanup of configuration options (commit: 2561795) (details)
- BUG: Needed closing ;; (commit: bdf2ded) (details)
- CHG: Removing support for Android (commit: 0db7fc2) (details)
- CHG: Synchronized enums after pull and merge (commit: 8d404e5) (details)
- BUG: Cleaned up configs (commit: 9655481) (details)
- BUG: Correcting env var substitution (commit: 3148eb2) (details)
- CHG: Cleanup (commit: 36c824f) (details)
- CHG: Cleanup (commit: fd4f45b) (details)
- CHG: Moving standard env vars to issm_options for MSYS2 builds (commit: 4977f2a) (details)
- CHG: Cleanup; missing env var for Javascript build (commit: 53ee210) (details)
- BUG: Fix for MSYS2 build (commit: 3a68cbf) (details)